More to Come

Topics soon to be addressed on this website:

Government spending reform: Our federal government always takes the easy path of increasing taxes to cover increased spending. Government is responsible to balance the budget by eliminating waste and reducing spending before raising taxes. Before any law or regulation is enacted, the economic impact should be calculated fairly and publicly disclosed. Government should not burden future generations with excessive debt. We need to pass the Federal Balanced Budget Act.

Global warming and the environment: To the extent that we can, we need to be responsible caretakers of the ‘Aina without causing economic hardships for anyone. We need to implement common sense changes in our daily life routines to eliminate the creation of problems like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Smarter legislation: Enforce ISO 9001-like accountability on our government.

Constitutional Amendment: Electoral college votes for popular vote winner in presidential elections.

Social Security reform: Ensure that Social Security is sustainable and tamper-proof long into the future.

Farm Bill: Break up this Omnibus bill. Stop subsidizing the largest and most profitable farms and focus on the smaller ‘Ohana based farms.

Missing persons: This has grown into a larger issue that needs to be addressed in Hawai’i and nation-wide.